If we stop exercising we can expect to experience an increase in blood pressure and a decrease in cardiovascular fitness within as little as 14-days and muscle shrinkage after four weeks.  As with physical exercise, when we stop practicing mental fitness the neuropathways begin to wither and we return to patterns of old. To maintain resilience fitness and advance to mastery, continued daily practice is required. Most people who gain mastery do so with an accountability support team.  A friend, family members, work colleagues who have completed the Resilience Fitness 6-week program qualify as effective support and accountability partners. The Coaches at The Nelson Team are pleased to support you to form your own accountability support team or join a Coach facilitated group.

The Mastermind for Resilience Fitness Mastery is focused on the application of sage practices to impact collegial relationships, team, and leader development in the workplace.

  • Monthly Meetings – 60-90 minutes in length
  • Participants 3 to 5 per group
  • Participants must make a one-year commitment to the group


The Mastermind for Resilience Fitness Mastery + Coaching (1-2-1)

  • Monthly Meetings – 60-90 minutes in length
  • Participants 3 to 5 per group
  • Participants must make a one-year commitment to the group
  • 1-2-1 Monthly coaching session

If you have completed the 6-week Resilience Fitness Program and would like more information about participating in a Mastermind for Resilience Fitness Mastery program email diane.nelson@thenelsonteam.com


