As a new small business owner, I struggle with the negative self talk which results in self doubt, imposter syndrome and disappointment in my perceived progress or performance. Working with Diane has quite honestly been mind changing. The mental fitness program along with Diane’s facilitation and guidance has created a paradigm shift in my thinking, how I interact with my team, and my performance in business. This program helped me become aware of all the negative mind chatter, but also taught me how to defeat those thoughts one by one. The program offers an easy to use app downloaded straight to your smart phone, with reminders to practice new ways of thinking in 2 minute guided meditation sound bites. Diane provided a touch base with our”pod” once a week to discuss our learnings, challenges, and “Aha’s”. And also provided one on one accountability throughout the entire program. I highly commend Diane Nelson and the Mental Fitness Program, and watch your business and work thrive through positive intelligence.